主頁 > 公司簡介 > 有關雋博, 顧問精英, 客戶名單, 客戶的話
客戶: 香港中華廠商聯合會

High Impact Management Consulting Limited has facilitated the executives of the Association in delivering a strategic planning for 2005 to 2007. Mr. Dicky Chou and Mr. Lee of High Impact are professional, reliable and helpful...

With their professional insight and systematic approach, our team has been trained up to develop strategic thinking in the formulation of a comprehensive blueprint which includes the mapping out of our missions, strategies, execution plans, critical milestones and review schedules. This in-depth analysis is not only to the interests of the Secretariat but also extends upstream to all CMA stakeholders, namely our members, the General Committees, and various subcommittees.

On behalf of the Association and our management team, I like to express my heartfelt gratitude to Dicky and Lee for their dedication, commitment and professionalism rendered during the planning process. We believe such planning in itself will lead us to achieve both the visions and missions of the Association.

Mr. Francis Lau
Executive Director
